Our third visit to South Cove is as fun as the first two. Jill and her fun cast of friends and family are back and it's time for the holidays. South Cove is set to begin its holiday festivities when two things intervene. The mayor and a murder.
The mayor has made two decisions that don't sit well with everyone. He's given his wife the job of coordinating the festivities, which Darla from the winery has always done, and he's agreed for the town to participate in a program of giving work experience to clients of a social service agency. Neither of these sit well with the business owners, including Jill. When murder is the result of this second decision, of course Jill gets pulled right into the middle of it.
I love holiday settings. This one covers both Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love a romance that isn't filled with angst. Jill and Greg provide this. I like a good mystery that isn't immediately apparent but does have clues. The location is fun and the cast of characters are interesting and fairly realistic. This is just fun escapist reading and I think this one reads a little quicker than the other two have. I have to say I do love the covers for this series. I'm a sucker for a good cover.
I do hope the resident psychic stays extremely minor (which she has so far) or goes away and I do think Greg, who is the police detective, needs to quit sharing quite so much with Jill. Those two issues are minor and don't affect my enjoyment of the story. I'll be very excited when a fourth book in this series comes out.
I received this book from Netgalley and appreciated the opportunity to read and review it.